Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Case study

This sculpture, 'A Case History' by John King (1998) consists of all sorts of luggage cast in concrete and piled on the pavement on Hope Street just outside the building originally known as the Liverpool Mechanics' Institution and then the Liverpool Institute High School for Boys. Former pupils include George Harrison, Paul McCartney, comedian Arthur Askey and newsreader Peter Sissons. Many of the cases have labels naming Scousers of note and others with local connections.

These days the building in the background houses the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA) - otherwise known as the 'Liverpool Fame School' which was founded by Paul McCartney and the splendidly named Mark Featherstone-Witty and opened in 1996. It runs courses in Acting, Community Drama, Dance, Music Theatre, Entertainment Management, Music, Sound Technology, Performance Design and Performance Technology.

Remember kids. "Fame costs. And right here is where you start paying... in sweat!"

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