This day

By snapper

Field trip!

Was up ealrier than I expected! thus my day became somewhat longer as a result. Ended up in Oban and spent some extra pennies on memory pillow, (it worked for me) , a bin, a road map and a big self assembly plastic cupoard so I can get all the damn junk out of the cupboard in the kitchen. I really ought to brick it up s it just seems to gather junk!
Came home to find carnage in the kitchen, 3 dogs managed to rip open a large bag of dog food, I now have one over fed puppy with a bulging tummy, I am sure it was Abbie that scoffed the butter so I can expect her to get the runs and my kitchen to be like Armageddon tomorrow morning and fat Sam is also looking very smug!
Enjoying my holiday just plootering about, will see what tomorrow brings!

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