Day trip!

Today chubby hubby and I decided to go to Ireland for the afternoon. e drove down to Campbeltown in Kintyre and got the Kintyre Express ferry to Ballycastle in Northern Ireland. The journey over flat calm waters took only just over an hour during which time we saw dolphins, puffins, gannets and a submarine!
We landed in Bally castle in time for lunch then we lesuley strolled round Bally castle. I thought it as the Lamas Fair but I had got the date wrong..its next Monday! ach anyhows we went into this lovely Irish pub, hubby had a Guiness, I tried it but it was like eating a loaf! speaking of which I bought some Irish wheaten bred, scrummy.
e then went for a nice plod along the beach and had an ice cream and just chilled. The journey back took just over an hour and we were home by 9pm. A uper day, can thoughrly reccomend it.

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