horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


An epithet the 91 year-old Ravi Shankar deserves I reckon. Fantastic concert in the Usher Hall tonight - just let the music wash over, which really was needed as I feel absolutely bloody awful. Lurgy of some sort. Work swayed from being alright, to having a head full of fog, all day. The meal in the Passorn before the concert was hot enough to temporarily clear the tubes, but sitting in a hall full of people possibly wasn't the best way to try and recover - but I wasn't going to pass up the chance to see someone who is truly a global superstar.

And a damn sight more talented than anyone on the X Factor or Big Brother just now. Discussions on both have started at work - I'm trying to shut it out in case I start to give a toss through sheer osmosis.

4 weeks to holiday. 4 weeks to holiday. 4 weeks to holiday.

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