Whistling Towers...

If I was designing a lofty play thing, I would strategically place and size holes around the hollow superstructure so that when the wind got up it would accentuate a whistling sound as the wind went through and around the various pipes that made it up.

This slide in our local park does that sort of but I suspect it is by accident rather than design.

I took the kids down to the library and park today because I usually do that for late night opening of the library but primarily because Bethany has been prescribed an eye patch to help develop her eye. She is having to wear a patch over her good eye so that her other one doesn't rely on it and is forced to develop as far as it can.

I wanted to make sure that she was comfortable going out and doing the normal things that she does and that this isn't hindering her. Aside from slightly missing her library card when I handed it to her (only using one eye, she'll not have very good 3D depth of field perception), she doesn't seem affected that much and is dealing with it tremendously.

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