Pet Project...

The hairy one here is Sushi. Sushi is about 10 years old and far the senior of Ewan. We've had her since I could sit her in my hand at about 4 weeks old where her ears seemed to be the same size and she has since grown into them. Thinking back now, I remember when she was younger, she was a right tearaway, clawing and anything and anybody that she could find.

She has since mellowed out a lot and after a few years of being very wary of the kids, she now tolerates them in small doses and is getting very good with Bethany who is old enough to understand her character.

I thought Sushi was a rather unique name for a cat but it turns out that there even is another cat on blip named thus. I came up with her name on the back of this Garfield strip which really tickled me.

This picture is to fulfil a project that Ewan has on for nursery where they are talking about pets. Ewan was able to tell his class the name of our cat and they've to get a photo of their pet. We were able to calmly walk in and pet Sushi, getting a couple of photos before she'd had enough and retired under the bed. Ewan is actually the chief cat breakfast provider so we may be able to get an additional picture for him of him carrying out those duties.

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