Tending the microherds

By LucieMac

Most surprising element of a day of bits and bobs was finding myself ripping the stuffing out of my Granny's old sofa which has been lying unloved in the garden for far too long. I'd had a vague idea about covering it in turf and making a grassy seat since it's so sturdily made but hadn't done much about it.

Today it needed to be moved to make space to start the wall mosaic and bits of the cover were so soft and soggy that they came off in my hands. I realised that it is so old (from her first suite when she got married) that it has no artificial fibres in it anywhere: just cotton, felt and horsehair. Into the compost they go! I did throw the springs away and now I've got a wooden frame for some future outdoor sofa project.

Didn't plan that when I woke up this morning.

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