Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

A Very Good Day

I love 17 -- it is my favorite number. The 17 of the month is always a favorite day.

So the good things that happened today are:

1) I moved back into my permanent office at the campus. Woohoo! I stepped in there two days ago and almost fainted because of the disaster. When I moved out back in February because the first floor of the library was going to be gutted and completely revamped (except for the seven office on the outside of the first floor), I tossed lots of paperwork, old textbooks, and junk. We were told that our offices would be locked tight and there would be no construction work in them. Now we are being told that right after graduation in June the decision was made to paint and carpet the offices because the ceiling tiles and the heating vents were going to be replaced. So the maintenance folks were told to pack up each of the seven offices. I learned all of that by email this past Monday when we were also notified that we could now moved back into our offices. When I saw the place Monday, my desk was in someone else's office and my file cabinet was in another person's office. Sheeeeesh! Thankfully that evening the night crew moved the wrong stuff out and my stuff in. So Mr. Fun went with me this morning and moved all my furniture into the right place within my office. Then I unpacked a few of the boxes. It's now starting to look like my office.

2) Mr. Fun went for his regular "weight/diet" appointment this afternoon and had lost more weight. That is always good news but especially after all the eating we've been doing while enjoying vacation days. He would say that really he's put on some weight lately, so he has just taken off the extra that he's gained recently.

3) Finally, the photo reveals that we went shopping for a TV. Ours died months ago, so we've been watching TV on a little itty bitty screen that we borrowed from an upstairs bedroom. We've shopped for a new one a couple times and came home overwhelmed and empty handed because of all the choices and the myriad of techonolgy. Today we took a deep breath, swallowed hard, put on our crash helmets, and headed into Best Buy to hopefully make a purchase. AND WE DID. We not only bought a new BIG screen for the downstairs family room, but also for our upstairs master bedroom. It was an expensive adventure, but one that I think we'll live to tell about. Mr. Fun splurged for an extra remote control that maybe even I can learn to use.

Even though our credit card is hemorrhaging, it's been a very good day. Hope yours has been too.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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