Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Plume Moth

Thank you plume moth, for flying through the door at 11.45pm!
Not a great image, but the only one of the day. I'm losing my blip mojo.
But perhaps not totally, because I did find it worthwhile to balance on the kitchen pedalbin to shoot this one :-)
Live dangerously, that's what I say.

It's been a yuk day.

I have disgruntled people I wouldn't have disgruntled for the world.
(Despite that being the VERY thing I didn't want to do. How did that happen?)

And Himself came home from work feeling unwell. So he went to bed.

I haven't had any time to myself for a blip or a sit down... Until now.

Fortunately (!) I'm maintaining a positive attitude and am trusting that a touch of disgruntlement can sometimes focus the mind.
And I'm almost believing it.

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