Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Butterfly and Bee

We have lived in this area for almost seven years now.
And for the first time today visited our nearest National Trust property.

It's been a busy day.
So we arrived at the property at 4.30.
In the afternoon.
(Don't ask. I turned up some curtains. This involved an actual needle and thread as opposed to wonderweb.
For the uninitiated, wonderweb is a ribbon of 'glue' which only becomes sticky when it's ironed in between damp fabrics.
I have, previously, been a big fan of wonderweb. But, I must admit that it does leave the hem of a curtain a little bit 'unfluid'. (Stiff).
I am not one of nature's seamstresses.
My back aches!)

The National Trust property gates closed at 5pm. (Oo - just in time then!)
But it was my lucky day.
Butterflies and bees flitted amongst wild flowers in a brief sun-dappled interlude.
And, having found this place, I shall certainly return for further blippage :-)

OK. I did turn up the curtains. It did take hours. But, if I had been able to find my National Trust Membership card we could have been there a good two hours earlier!
Mea culpa.

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