investigations of a dag

By kasty

Well and truly Qatsi'd

3 nights 3 epic films, one mind blown. Preferred the naqoyqatsi music to the film. Despite wanting to like it I found the digital virtual world harder to be enthralled by. Possibly the point. Still epic to watch - even brain dead from work. Incredible use of negative photos, x rays, discoloured stock footage and thermographs. It's devestating point well put, life as contained perpetual war. One day all this will be rubble like the Detroit station in the opening sequence and some of us will be genetically designed soldiers. cheery.

Crap picture - sorry just had a crappy day. Ended up scouring the streets like a blip junkie.. is that what happens when u blip daily? Just be glad I didn't post the even more boring image of a fridge and cooker left out on my street. Early flight for work in the morning. Expect further boring posts

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