Express train

Long shutter speeds to play with this evening as the electric light in the current living room is pretty awful. Better than nothing though I suppose, count your blessings and all that. I liked the way it turned Ben's train into an express train though.

Two nights in a row blipfoto has managed to log me out in between uploading my photo and finishing writing. I don't think I'm taking that long. I think shutting the laptop lid logs me out - although I don't remember it ever used to. Maybe I'm remembering wrong. And tabbing from the "entry title" to the "description" isn't a single tab any more and when you're stressed you forget that and manage to go back to the upload picture page again.

Aaaaaand breathe.

Quick edit - by request, here's today's (short) clip of Ben drumming - I may be heavily biased but I think he's AMAZING!!!

Ben's finally in bed. A friend came round to help Steve with the bigger moving and sorting jobs and Ben said after he'd gone that he was scared of him - hence why he refused to go to the toilet while he was here and by the time he went home Ben had his legs crossed!! No accidents, but the poor little boy looked quite funny hobbling down the hallway to the bathroom desperate to do a wee.

Downstairs is almost ready for 8am tomorrow when the builders say they will arrive. (They'd better arrive on time else Steve won't be able to talk to them before they start before he goes to work.)

My brain was starting to shut down 4 hours ago and is really struggling to keep up with anything any more.

Ben's done well again today with the toilet thing. Despite starting his journey to toilet trained by using his new fantastic seat on the toilet he's realised it's easier for him to get himself onto the potty rather than wait for me to catch up to help him onto the toilet. He does need frequent reminding to point his willy down inside the potty though. It hardly bothers me though to be honest - he's not had any accidents.

Bar one. He didn't want to wear a nappy to go to sleep for his nap again today, and I forgot to remind him that he'd need to go to the toilet as soon as he woke up. So he woke, wee'd a little - only as much as his accidents in the living room earlier in the week, a little dribble - before realising and shouting for me. He let me help him onto the toilet and he finished off a big wee on there.

I'm wondering whether to keep letting him leave his nappy off for naps to be honest. He knows, and perhaps if I remind him he might remember? I don't know. Might give it another day. That said we're not going to be in much during the day for the next couple of weeks. Not sure how toilet training is going to progress when we're not at home. We'll see. I did say I wasn't bothered about having him "toilet trained" before the new baby arrives, I'm not keen on the idea of having to stop feeding a baby to sort out a poo. Let's see what happens...

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