All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Two sets of sixes

It was payback time this morning for Ethan's long, late nap yesterday afternoon when he woke for the day at 5.15am! Hubbie either didn't hear him yelling over the monitor or chose not to, so I got up with him. When hubbie got up just before 7am, I took the opportunity to crawl back in bed for another hour or so!

By 11am, Ethan was still showing no signs of flagging so I took him for a walk. The plan was for him to fall asleep in his pushchair but no, he really did want to walk .... all the way to the playpark ... up and down the slide .... up to the main road ..... through the underpass .... along to the playpark in Bellsquarry .... on the slides and swing there ... oh look there are some people playing football .... let's join in! To be fair, they were great and happily let my 20 month old join in who was squealing with delight! He wasn't so impressed when I made him go back in his pushchair 15 minutes later but within 2 minutes he was sound asleep. He ended up sleeping for nearly 2 hours.

Foreveryoung & Eden arrived while he was sleeping so I was able to have cuddles with Eden without Ethan getting jealous. He finally woke just before 3pm so he had a quick lunch and then the 4 of us went along to Almond Valley Heritage Centre. It remains to be seen whether me teaching him to splash in puddles while we were there was a good idea or not!

He ate fantastically at dinner time ... cleared his plate of fishfingers, mashed tatties, peas and sweetcorn and even stayed sitting at the table for most of it. Result!

(His vocabulary is coming along leaps and bounds too - new words over the past few days are tractor and potato. Oh, and we're sure he said bawbag too but hopefully we just misheard haha)!

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