Little Lady

21months 24days

Today is one of those "have I picked the right shot" days. I know one blipper at least who I reckon will prefer the other. And I do like the other one. But this one, I love how she's standing, her smile, and her scrummy little toes. How she looks a real little lady, not a baby, barely a toddler. And it feels more "Katie".

Today's been one of our "you gotta love Saturday" Saturdays. Fairly lazy start, Katie ate a big breakfast - finishing with a Yorkie dessert and 3 cadbury's heros, at 9am (after cereal, fruit and bread, I add!) then was running around, starkers. Enjoying herself. She ran off for a minute or two. I should have realised what this meant and gone to get her. Shortly after, I caught a glimpse of her bare-backside running past me. I realised we had a situation. She'd hidden in a corner thankfully to "create" the situation, and it had not been spread. The frustrating bit is she knew she was going to do it. Maybe I should put her potty into this corner. Anway. I got her dressed, sharpish!

We were getting ready to go and I put a very pretty new cardi on her. She wriggled around for a while and then told me "it tickles". I was laughing away as I attempted to get wriggly Katie out of the tickly cardi. We went to meet a friend and had a walk. I had some birthday presents to buy, my watch to get fixed (which I did yesterday too, only for it to break after literally 5minutes!). We got back to the car and I put her in. I told her we were going to swimming. She leant forward to our friend and said "byebye friend, bobbobs!"

We enjoyed swimming today. Katie was rather bouncy and splashy. She swam from me to the side after each Humpty Dumpty. She loved doing the songs. She got very stuck in with using the mini float boards under each arm and swam really well with them for a couple of tries. Then realised what was going on and rejected them, insisting she would swim on her own. To her credit, she gives it a jolly good shot. After 20minutes though, all the toddlers had individually gone to find a toy- "sack this learning lark, we're off to play"! The girls had a swim with their armbands after the lesson, Katie enjoyed being on her floatboard, but then decided it was showertime.

We had lunch and with her swimming teacher and she was being exceedingly cheeky. Sarah made me chuckle though, she was talking about the girls doing so well today and said she is worrying already as she's no idea what she'll do with them by the time they're 12 as they'll have cracked it all before they're 6 at this rate!

We went back to the car, although Katie fancied a play on the sports field first, so we had a bit of a run around. By the time we got back to the car, she was zonked and has had a bit of a mammoth sleep, curled up in her cushion pile that she has in the lounge. We're off to enjoy what appears to be sunshine for a little bit before we go get some bits to go with tea and maybe a spot of baking.

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