Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Not Too Late

Another late upload but happy to say I wasn't too late clicking the shutter for this one. Usually by the time I have focussed the camera on the heron and pressed the shutter the creature is a speck on the horizon. This one was standing in the shallow water just as we were heading up the hill out of Tarbert. John , obliging as ever pulled over , I got out , he moved to a safer parking spot while I made my way down to the harbours , had the camera settings ready as I approached. Just as I rounded the corner , camera ready to shoot I spotted the heron posing in the water, focussed on the still heron and, just as I pressed the shutter , it took off. Just as well I have practised my panning technique on the gulls below our garden.

I know the shot might seem a bit strange to some people with that almost non existent background but something about the style of the image appeals to me , sort of high key . Hope some of you like it as well.

Back home again and will try to catch up with everyone and perhaps manage some back blips, got interesting shots at Flanders Moss and had a very enjoyable time last night at Hampden , fabulous goals ! Also stayed bone dry during the game as we were under cover but got soaked going back to the car. never mind that's just football!

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