Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Did You Say Mc Cowan's ?

Love the way this highland cow seemed to be approaching us as he was chewing the grass, brought bac memories of that famous toffee we had as children. I believe you can still buy it but it's much smaller now.

We visited Barnluasgan nature trail ( after my second accordion lesson , I reckon I've reached Caircdow on that long Road to Dundee, still it is coming on a teensy bit ) , needed a bit of fresh ir and lots of relaxation . Meandering along the lochan we spotted some small birds , no sign of the heron or the red squirrels. Got some shots of water lillies and lily pads. I did get shots of the heron as we drove into Furnace, inflight shots as well but just a tad too small in the frame, will keep trying.

What really caught our eye today were the highland cows in the wild meadow at Barnsluagan , three very different cows at that, one creamy , the other a very coppery colour and the one you see tonight. had to be very patient as two seemed very wary and just as we were leaving this one came a bit closer and stared at us .

Hope you all had a good day.
Might not be able to upload tomorrow as we will be away for two days .

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