michigan man

By outdoorguy

Sleek or Studley?

A big night on the streets of our downtown area. It
is supposed to be a fairly large car show.
The biggest car show/ cruise in Michigan is the
Woodward Cruise in Detroit. The second biggest is probably Back to the
Bricks...this weekend in Flint. The main drag in Flint is
still covered with bricks, which they used to cover the streets
with before concrete and asphalt. Kind of quaint. The Bobby Crim Road Race
in a couple of weeks finishes on the bricks.
People and their cars come from all over.
Spectators show up to oooh and aaah over the cars. Most of the car owners love
to sit around and talk cars, or to talk about their car. The ones who are
already in town are going to show up in our city, and the neighboring village.
We shall see. Also downtown tonight is our local farmers market, and a concert
at the gazebo. On stage tonight...Motor City Beat (Motown.)
I chuckled when I saw these 2 vehicles next to each
other. I don't think I could get into either one. For the Corvette...I would
need a new set of legs, and a new back. For the monster truck...I would need a
ladder. How about those tires? The merchants must be getting into the show. The truck is advertising a
store called Barking Babes. From the words on the sign...evidently they have a
charm school for dogs. Maybe we''ll take Niya, the needy chihauhau...to try to
get her some charm.
C words tonight. Cars...Corn...Cukes...Crafts...and
Concert. C ya.

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