A Bear Hug

I had my choice of 5 different bears. 2 half-bodies, 2 bear rugs, and 1 full body mount. I chose this one because I could see the tongue.

It was our annual reunion party on my wife Lisa's side. Reed City, Michigan. Not Up North up north, but still 2 and a half hours from our house.

The house is a huge log monster. The inside looks like a Cabela's or a Bass Pro Shop...if you know what those are. (Sporting goods stores with a lot of animal mounts.) I think if I lived there...I would have nightly nightmares...with dreams of giant animals plucking my eyes out. Please go to my flickr page too see the back of the home, and some of the animals in it. SPOILER ALERT!! I can't believe they even stuffed one of their house cats!!!!

It's always good to see the "cousins." As with most reunions...deaths in the family, and some new serious illnesses tend to put a damper on things...but...like every other family...you just keep on keeping on.

I'm glad the Olympics are almost over. I need to quit being a sluggard, and return to being an ant. Always busy.

All the bear mugs,
and all the bear rugs...
make me wonder...
if I can get a bare hug.


Spoiler alert #2...the cat was alive...the horse was alive...every thing else...dead. Click into LARGE if you're sick enough to want to see tongue.

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