Hanging round in the sunshine
After a morning at the MBH (an appointment with ERDF which resulted in some helpful advice I think. The chap could, of course, have turned our electricity on, but he needed another request from EDF before he could do that, so we wait again...) we headed off north to go on a little train. We made it just in time, and all squeezed into our little open-sided compartment. There was much excitement when the train finally set off... which waned slightly when it became obvious that the top speed was barely faster than walking pace. Still, there was an excitingly high bridge to go over, and a garden to visit at the end, where I found this fella hanging about near the lotus ponds.
Home via the shops to another fine dinner and a few hours chat on the terrace. After last night's kitten interruption, tonight held something different. Wafting over the fields came the sound of bagpipes... With Mr B waxing lyrical about the gathering of the clans, our guests kindly offered to hold the fort while we headed off, whisky and two tumblers in hand, to find the pipes. When we arrived... it turned out to be quite a fancy wedding (?) party... so we quietly turned around and left (well, as quietly as you can in a loud car on a quiet country lane).
It's all go in the country.
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