michigan man

By outdoorguy

Another Maiden Voyage

My son wants to take one of my kayaks Up North this
weekend to use on the Rifle River. I wanted to take it out beforehand...to make
sure it works OK, and to give her a name.
That is my friend Shelley in the other kayak. She
thinks she is a hot-shot in her Old Town green kayak. We worked at the post
office together for 30+ years.
We went to a small lake. We shared the water with
one speedboat. It had 4 teens, and an older man in the boat. They were skiing.
The lake is shaped like a finger, but the finger has to be the pinkie. Down and
back went the speedboat. 3 minutes down...3 minutes back. They were
enjoying themselves, but were mildly annoying. The name of the lake was Crotched
Lake. The skiiers made me more crotchedy than normal...if that's
We took out and went to the no-wake lake at the
state park. We saw a blue heron, a king bird, and an osprey. The osprey was
exciting to see. Perched high in a dead tree. A nice relaxing ride.
After 2 short rides...the name thing was still out
there. That's when it got dicey. I made a startling discovery. Using my best
Gomer Pyle voice..."SURPRISE...SURPRISE !!! IT'S A BOY!!! I was
The new kayaks name is Mel. It is short for
Melican. The company who makes the boat is Pelican. So...it's Melican the
Now that I've found out the kayak is male...I'll
have to re-think how I load them in the back of my truck. I'll at least have to
put them back-to-back. Always something to think

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