Gluten Free

Today I dragged his Lordship to the Udderbelly in Teviot Row at lunch time to see "High Jinks with the Hamiltons".

Now I can tell that all you sophisticated blippers will be snorting with derision at my choice, but I have a sneaky feeling of admiration for the ability of Christine and Neil to re invent themselves from the couple who were accused of pocketing money in brown envelopes from Al Faiyad in return for Neil asking questions in the House of Commons many light years ago, to chat show host and hostess.

They have had a chat show at the Fringe for several years and it has never crossed my mind to buy tickets, but because they have rented a flat in the next block of flats to us, and are performing about 500 metres from our door, I thought we should give it a go, and go we did.

Unfortunately, nothing that either of them said or did changed His Lordship's mind that Christine was altogether not his type of woman and Neil seemed the henpecked type ( with most likely a limp handshake, a bad thing for the alpha male LF ).

However one of their guests was Bobby Crush who has a Fringe show "Live from Heaven" where he plays a mythical Liberace trying to get into heaven.
That, his Lordship decreed, might be worth his while to see, so something good came out of 'High Jinks" for him after all, and it has been booked for Friday evening.

My cake of yesterday has been carefully adorned and it's deficiencies suitably disguised and is waiting expectantly for its tasters. Wish me luck.

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