Country File

By marypot

Let me outta heeeeeere!

My dad hired someone to come and spray the weeds around the farm and gardens today, so Baggins wasn't allowed outside. This photo was taken when I got home from work, just after the all clear was sounded. By that time, Baggins was desperate to get out, as you can see!

Good news! My brother was discharged from hospital today :) He is staying with my parents for a few days, until he is fit enough to return to his flat. It's great to have him home, though he is still looking very frail. I think we all realise what a close call he had.

Re. Cloverfield (WARNING: SPOILERS!)

Overall I loved the movie! The concept was groundbreaking and pretty spectacular. Keeping the pace very low-key for such a long time at the start lulled me into a false sense of security, so that when the action suddenly cranked up, my heart was really pounding! The special effects, action sequences and set pieces were fantastic. The monster(s) them selves were super-scary- leaving just enough to the imagination for long enough to up the chill-factor. I liked the subtle homages to other horror/monster/sci-fi movies.

However, I didn't like the cast. I found them very plastic, annoying and STUPID. I really didn't care if any or all of them were eaten, blown up or exploded (and I like that actress who blew up as I was a big fan of The Class).

Also, where can I get me a video camera like that? Aside from the fact that it had a battery that would put the Energizer bunnies to shame, filming as it did for many hours, including use of a light and night vision; it also survived being half eaten by a sea-monster, before being dropped again from height; was splattered with blood; knocked to the ground on several occasions when the camera holder tripped up or was attacked by a mini-monster in a subway tunnel; survived a helicopter crash and even a (nuclear?) explosion. How's that for durability? Brilliant!

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