Country File

By marypot

In the shelter of the Owl Tree

It was my first full day back at work today and I'm absolutely cream crackered. Managed to get out for two minutes this evening, between our Tesco delivery and bathing Gracie Pie. The sun was shining and I caught these two little ones napping underneath the Owl Tree (so named because a family of barn owls has lived there for many years). Mammy sheep saw me taking photos of her babbas and came to make sure they were ok (the lambs, that is; not the photos).

Hopefully tomorrow evening I'll have more time online to see what everyone else here has been up to and catch up on all of your wonderful pictures. For now though, it's time for feet up and a DVD (Cloverfield. Not sure it is the most relaxing choice, but I've been wanting to see it for a bit, even though I am the world's biggest scaredy cat).

Have a lovely evening, folks :)

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