Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe

On Holiday - Day 7

Kilmore Stones, Mull

This morning before leaving Mull for Glasgow, I visited Kilmore Standing Stones, just a mile or so from the B&B I stayed at.

I had hoped for some sunshine to add atmosphere to the shot, but hey! At least it wasn't raining.

The stones are dwarved by the trees, which must have been planted with scant regard for this prehistoric site. Only two stones are actually standing, one is sitting and several are lying down or dead. Infact they probably did Kil-more stones during the planting of this pine forest.

Lets hope the site can be improved when the trees are harvested.

From Mull I caught the Fishnish Ferry to Lochaline then drove the spectacular route over Morvern, a part of the Ardnamuchan Peninsular to the Corran ferry, via the village of Strontian. Once back on the mainland I drove up Glen Coe and down the western side of Loch Lomond, back to stay with Iain and Candy overnight.
A grand day.


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