
Here it is - the full Spongebob! Although strangely, out of a field of five entrants in the senior category, there were no prizes for our tiny brained hero. Spongebob lost out to a bumble bee, Astro Boy and Wendy (from Peter Pan). No prizes for Ellen's butterfly either. Must've been a fix. Never mind. There's always next year.

After that we hotfooted it to Lochore Meadows for the Family Fun Day of Mandy's canoe club where we paddled about a bit, had a burger and managed not to tip any children into the water. Then it was back home for the village Gala raft race. Eleven teams of loons try to paddle round three buoys and the one that sinks last wins. Then on to the village pub for a bit of entertainment. Loud and Proud (who might be local, it wasn't clear) playing some very loud rock music with more than a little pride. Not without justification. They're very good and they're only about 12 or something.

Now I've got hundreds of photos to edit - some for the Gala, some for the Dunfermline Press and some for the band. Busy day. I need a beer.

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