life of d

By davidd

A friend indeed

Last weekend my friend Ian was taken into hospital, it turns out he was rather unwell, in fact he was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis. This came from an infection in an ear that ran rife and got into the lining of his brain. Were it not for the good timing of a friends visit who knows how bad he would have got.

As it is he has just come out of intensive care, he is conscious and from the texts he's just sent me, seems to be in possession of his rather fine sense of humour.

Ian was our best man, he is one of Alfies Godfathers, we have raced 2cvs for 24hrs (and finished 14th) , we go to lemans every year, we've been in business together more than once, and had many, many scrapes and japes. The world without Ian would be somewhat dimmer, that thought did cross my mind. However if there is anyone who could bounce back it is him, and I'm sure with a bit of time he will.

I hope you all have a great weekend.


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