Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Doll in Colour

EVERY MAN, according to an ancient legend, is born into the world with two bags suspended from his neck: a bag in front full of his neighbors? faults, and a large bag behind filled with his own faults. Hence it is that men are quick to see the faults of others, and yet are often blind to their own failings.

Aesop's "The Two Bags"

Not much to say about this really. I was writing my notes at the end of the day and it was looking at me disturbingly ;) so I took a photo of it. On the train I've had a play around with it in Filterstorm: selective colour, a luminance curves adjustment (just bringing it all down) applied with a gradient mask centred on the doll, and then a RGB curves adjustment (an S curve, more dramatic at the top).

Lumix G10, iPad, Filterstorm, Blipfoto iPhone app

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