michigan man

By outdoorguy


3 wild turkeys on a railroad track.
Had some lunch, and had to get back.
"C'mon, C'mon, before it's too late,
We may end up on someones plate."

It was 8:40 a.m. I had to leave to pick up the doctor in five minutes. The dogs had been out and fed. I looked out the window to my patio. A big fat cat was attempting to jump up on my patio table to get one of my little birds. I hit the back door. I flew off the porch. A left turn to my sidewalk. 4 running steps to my patio. A left turn to my patio. The left was not right. My left ankle went out from under me, and I crashed on my left knee. I layed there for a minute, and assessed the situation. I thought I was OK. The worst part was when the cat paused at my fence...looked back...and seemed to snicker. Nothing worst than a snickering cat. They are snickering, sneaky, and shifty.

I went ahead to pick up the doctor. He insisted that I go get it x-rayed. It is not broken, but it is all swelled up, and hard to walk on. No morning walks for a few days.

It's amazing at age 58...that you can still learn things. Looking back...Maybe just a loud yell from the back porch, or giving up a sparrow for a good foot. Just a thought.

I feel bad, and I walk worse...Maybe I should join these fellow turkeys on the tracks.

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