this luminous life.

By Laura

Yoga and The River.

The ladies over at 1Month.1Challenge. recently challenged readers and participants to 30 Days of Yoga or meditation. I signed myself up for the challenge because I love pushing myself to try new things. I've been interested in yoga for years but DVDs and books were not enough for me. I needed the experience of a class, but every yoga class I found was too expensive for me. So I never did it.

When the challenge came along, I figured now's a better time than any to finally dive into yoga. Unfortunately, the first two days were spent doing yoga at home from the same DVD and book and left me a little frustrated. I wasn't ready to give up, though.

Today, I obtained a free week-long guest pass to a nearby fitness center and walked into my first yoga class this morning. Turns out that class was exactly what I needed all this time. I loved it.

There will be a class nearly every day and I intend to take full advantage of the free classes for the next week. Then I'll do the same thing at another fitness center, and another, and another, until I get the hang of it or have an income that can support expensive classes.

Later in the day, I went by the river and discovered a new park right along the shore. I spent some time sitting quietly by the water and despairing over the fact that I couldn't swim in it....

I thought about doing yoga in the field right next to the river, but didn't feel quite comfortable yet. (Moments after I snapped the above photo, I turned around and caught someone staring at me.) Maybe next time.

So, yoga? I'm hooked.

a year ago: salad.

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