A crowd gathered

to watch the results of the wasp capture competition.
Shaun thought he had it with his wasp. A fine specimen.
But Kieran came along with the uber-wasp, and Shaun could only wave his fist in a slight rage.
Pipped again!

To get a feel for the size of these creatures see here.

Mum found the whopper wasp when she was doing a house clean a while back. It was dead already, trapped between the window and the fly mesh, designed to keep these monkeys out. She kept it to show Corin! Even dead, it is still giving me the hebbie-jeebies! Stretched out, it is the length of my thumb.

The other wasp, which is still quite big, was caught and gassed by Corin a couple of days ago, which is when my little plot for a photo was hatched.

In the meantime, we have also been shown a large swallowtail butterfly (which you can see at the link above) and one of them swooped overhead yesterday and had both of us chasing around to catch a glimpse.

Completely lazy day today. It was very hot. Scorchio in fact!

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