Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Beautiful? I think so.

The Boyfriend/Non-fiancee is hijacking blip again. Kat's not feeling all that fantastic right now so I thought I'd take over tonight.

Kat's having a hard time at the moment quitting smoking and dealing with the subsequent withdrawals/cravings at the same time as coming off her medication for bipolar and depression AND anxiety. Poor girl.

I'll focus on the good things.
I was given a day off work which I'm not complaining about. We spent some time at the beach enjoying the awesome weather. It's the middle of winter and it was t-shirt weather. Loving it! She may have cracked it at me though when I thought throwing sand at her was a good idea. I learned my lesson. She ignored me for an hour to take photos of anything and everything.

A friend of hers had a baby in the early hours of this morning so we went down to see the new bub. I know she's fantastic with her little man but I haven't seen the side of her I saw at the hospital today. Can I just say she is super maternal! I'm already in daddy mode and looking forward to the day she tells me she's pregnant (hoping I get a pregnancy for my birthday in a few weeks. Don't like my chances though) and seeing her with the new bub made me melt. She was so damn beautiful. And all radiating and glowing and gorgeous.

After running a few errands we decided to make the most of what was left of the beautiful day and relaxed at one of the nearby parks. Found a nice quiet spot away from the school kids and joggers and people with their dogs. She got a few more lovely photos. And I may have stolen her camera and turned it on her. She hates it when I do that. But when she actually smiles instead of staring daggers (the term "if looks could kill" comes to mind. If they could I'd be dead thousands of times over) she looks so lovely. The setting sun and the lovely colours just made her even more beautiful. I had to flip a coin to decide which photo to use. It was either this or one where she had her head on my shoulder with her eyes closed and a blissful smile. (Which can be found here. Have a look at some of her other artwork too. She's too talented for her own good) I chose this one just because it's so bright and cheery. And you get to see her amazing eye colour. Five minutes later her good mood came crashing down and the tears and anger started.

And now the withdrawals and cravings and nausea coming with them have left her tired and pretty bleh.
She's still gorgeous.

Who agrees? (She's gonna whoop my butt for this I think)

"You wanted to find your heart in this
to be yourself and express.
To say what you wanna say
and dress how you wanna dress.
But everybody's saying
You've gotta show just a little more skin
if you wanna catch their eye
and be feminine.
But you feel like
you want room to breathe,
to forget the exploitation
where they can't see.
To be yourself is beautiful."
~ Beautiful - Soulframe

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