
By marshland

Hover on Mr Fly!

Ouch! A day of dancing ended up in a hospital trip. This is how it happened...

The day started great. We went round to my auntie's house and had a load of fun. Then me, my cousins, my sister, mum and my auntie all went to dancing. I was practising my dances for a competition in Blackpool. Then after 2 hours of competition dancing, I had my normal modern class. Whilst doing my modern class my friend stamped on my thumb! I should probably say that it was my fault because I had my hand on the floor a little too early (ouch!). My thumb got fatter and fatter and more painful by the minute, so off we went to our hospital's Minor Injuries Unit.

This picture was taken at my Auntie's house. She has a beautiful, bright flower bush that I was drawn to because I spotted a hover fly on it. I don't have a macro lense, so I know it's not as detailed as some of your fantastic, detailed pictures, but I still loved the colours in the picture.

Hope you like it!

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