Nature day after day

By loveofnature

You lookin' at me?

Happy 1st August fellow blippers :)

Here's a crazy young Blackbird giving me 'that weird look birds do so well'. Pure manic! About half an hour after I took this photo I was sitting at our outside table with my Dad having my lunch when a gorgeous young Song Thrush popped up a few feet away and proceeded to smash a snail on the bricks lining the coriander. I sat open-mouthed but I couldn't move to get a photo (I'd left my camera inside on the kitchen worktop) and I was whispering to my Dad 'I can't move to get my camera otherwise it'll fly away!' which it did eventually but boy it would have been a good shot and one of the key rules in wildlife photography - never leave your camera elsewhere when you are stuck and could get a great photo because you will kick yourself afterwards!

Thanks for the comments on all my previous blips I don't say it often enough and I really should. It really means a lot to me and there are some fabulous journals out there! xxx

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