All The Leaves are Brown and the Sky is Grey....

Not really.

My mum's garden is a veritable schmorgazborg of colour. Quite how she does it I'll never know. I have a strange inkling that they may be just very ordered weeds.

We stopped by today to switch off her electric and change a bulb, again.

We have to teach her not to rip bulbs out of the socket, but that Screw In Bulbs actually screw out.

I say "We", when in actual fact I meant Si. I went in, lay on the couch and snoozed for a little while.

Si is the do-er of all things.

While we were there, he had a quick check of her computer, made sure there was no trace of anything evil on it, and checked her anti-virus was up todate. Which of course it was.

He also took time to check the "Don't ever look at these files", and is currently laying with a cold cloth over his eyes to recover from the shock.

Hmm There are some things a child should never witness.

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