
By Runningbackwards

Lake Annecy

Dad, I quite like being on holiday

Some 700 miles after leaving home we've arrived. The truth is that we were on holiday the moment we left Bristol but this seems like a destination.

Had a fantastic stay in a great rural Camp a la ferme last night. Everybody was so friendly and laid back. We had some freshly made gaufres, made outside on a cast iron stove next to the rabbits, ancient bike, ancient plough and an astonishing wood framed barn and farmhouse. Much opportunity to practice my French, the only awkward moment being when I referred to jam as jambon rather than confiture. I think I got away with it!

Today involved a series of astonishing tunnels, viaducts and great valley views and then we're here near Lake Annecy.

Tent put up, it was time to go swimming and it felt especially good today. You can see paragliders everywhere from here. I counted 50 or more in the air at one point. The boys are happy and today Mrs Running Backwards and I celebrated 12 years of marriage with two small bottles of beer! The boys did their bit to join in with some chocolat chaud.

A walk after tea and everyone pleasantly tired.

The picture? Lunch next to Lake Annecy with some food purchased from a great boulangerie. Perfect! Feet in the water and a bit left over for the ducks.

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