A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Brown pelicans

I cannot count how many of these we have seen today.
We saw a few when we sailed around Alcatraz yesterday but travelling first to Cliff House on the Pacific edge of San Francisco and then later down the coast to Santa Cruz we saw them time and time again. This is the best shot I managed.

Not the biggest thrill of the day though. We are staying at Moss Landing in a 'boathouse' overlooking the backwaters behind the dunes. Full of wildlife.
Not good enough to publish but we did photogaph sea otters! Hope to get a bit closer to them tomorrow.
Quiet little backwater - usually - this weekend they have an 'Antiques' street fair. 9000 people expected!

Confirmed I am losing it except I found it - my bracelet was down the side of the car seat!!!!!

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