Toots in Solitude

By Toots

North Berwick

The sea was afloat with sails,
the sands were cluttered with trailers,
the golf course a happy chaos of people, bikes, trailers, sails.
Sometimes when I looked out to sea, very conformed lines of sails streamed uniformly along. But when I raised the camera to all this colourful order it would disarray itself to tangled webs.

Trial tested a new-to-me car this morning. 4 doors, low mileage, newer reg all contribute to a positive sell.

I have been setting off alarms at doors for a while now, so once and for all the security officer and I emptied my bag, item by item to scan and detect the offending alarm ringer. Ah ha!!! A little plastic piece I had taken from a recent purchase and carried with me because I had no idea what part this was on the equipment. Only the security tag Doh!

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