Huge scare!!

R jnr took our latest addition to the flock outside for fresh air, and by golly, he flew a few yards, sat on the fence! What now!? If we try to catch him, he might fly away, and it is só cold, he wont survive on his own, he doesn?t even eat by himself yet! But fortunately, R jnr is tall enough to reach him on the wall, and was able to catch him! Phew!! He's safe in the house now!! ;-)

I attended a concert by Jannie Moolman, a brilliant opera singer, with A's mom and granny last night! Jannie does not only sing opera anymore, he mixes his show with lighter, contemporary music as well. A fun filled programme with a bit of comedy, serious music, funny songs, involving the audience a bit! What an evening of fun and laughter! We enjoyed it só much!!

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