simple moments

By simplemoments

bee black

so... okay... take a look-see...

a black bee... for real? i looked at it - looked again... yup, it's black...

have you seen a full out black bee? aren't they supposed to have yellow on them? somewhere? do you see yellow anywhere? boo! made for a rather strange sight...

and of course, it was along what i'm now referring to as "bee alley"... i swear people... there is just no shortage of bees on this small stretch of flowering bushes that reaches to the skies... they swarm about; buzzing and hovering and landing and trying to decide which blossom is the best... it is a difficult task to stand still while they are making all this noise around you, wanting to get a shot yet thinking a sting is going to happen any moment. and today it was so hot, sweat was beginning to drip down my arm and i wondered... could they sense that - and would they be attracted to it? ewwww... but then i saw this little black one - quickly snapped him and scooted out of there. jeesh... what i find myself doing for a blip...

happy day.....

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