simple moments

By simplemoments

free floating... the midst of a flower

does it matter what kind of flower? i was simply intrigued with how it appeared to be hanging there... in mid-air... although attached... but you can't really tell now can you? yet floating - effortlessly...

wouldn't it be nice - if we could float like that? when times are rough, or even when they're not? just when we'd want a break... or to have some fun? kinda made me think of airplanes and spaceships, helicopters and hotair balloons... how they take off and then remain suspended in air. all the effort that has gone into making it happen over time but now... now it seems so easy, right? second nature... effortless. makes me want to fly - get some wings on me... and then free float... boo!

that would be a

happy day.....

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