My Orange Chair

Gosh but it took effort to get Ben to sit in his beloved orange chair for me to take a picture!! He brought it into the room, set it up in front of the tv, and then wouldn't sit in it! Bribery in the form of promising to let him take some pictures did the trick in the end ;) Will link to the best of them on flickr when I can get iPhoto working again - sigh! Gotta love technology. Here's me by Ben :)

Had a lovely day today. Ben has been looking forward to riding his bike to go and see Ede. That was the first thing he told his daddy yesterday when he woke up from his nap! So this morning that is what we did. It's further to ride than to where the car is normally parked (two roads away *sigh*), further than it is to our tuesday toddler group, further even than to church! But he managed brilliantly. All the way there! And he's been practising freewheeling too, which I'm a bit amazed and proud about. Both legs off the ground, balancing fantastically. I think he might be giving a few drivers some nervous moments but overall he's not doing too many swerves toward the road :-/ I got a couple of video clips of him freewheeling which as soon as I can get them off my phone I'll put one on youtube and link to it :-) Here's Ben freewheeling along!

Lovely to see Christina and Amy this morning. Ben and Ede and Rosie just got on and played and we got to sit down with cups of tea and just chatter. Something that we rarely get to do as we're usually chasing children!

Two hours went by so quickly though and all too soon it was time to go home for lunch. Ben rode his bike to the shop so we could buy him another cake (and he insisted that we buy one for me as well, although I think it was a pretence that it was for me as when we got home and were eating our lunch he wanted to share my cake. Hmm. Smart boy.) and some other bits. He gave up riding halfway between the shop and our house, and walked and held my hand the rest of the way. Tired and hungry! We've enjoyed a good lunch though which has cheered me up lots - he's not been eating a great deal the past few days but has made up for it at lunch time today. And then thank goodness he had an early nap!! Well, early for him - 3pm he was flat out. And it was only just over an hour long which for him is quite short, so who knows how he's going to cope with my band practise tonight if he tags along.

Another moment worth a giggle today was me discovering a smell and accusing Ben of making it - to which he giggled, concentrated, and farted. And giggled some more! What a proper boy ;o)

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