snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie

The world is strange when you go small

"In any field, find the strangest thing and then explore it."
John Archibald Wheeler, 1911-2008 (yesterday)

I'm sadder than I can quite understand about this. I think it is because he is the last of an era of giants, the people whose history inspired the young me to go into science. Then I found out that the science of the end of the century was much different, and that s young woman with the kind of wide ranging curiosity and a tendency to not conform and not fit predictable categories had about zero chance of finding a way to important research topics. So I took my degree and got into IT, like a lot of other people around that time - forget solving the universe, create a better

But the wonder of questioning and understanding that people like Wheeler and the other giants had, and inspired in so many - that feeling never went away. The world is a dumber, duller place today.

about the photo: a bit of moss growing on bricks, testing the macro mode on this pocket camera. I keep being surprised what it can achieve just handheld.

This was on the small wall in front of a house, early morning. I hope I didnt worry anyone in there that i was taking pictures from their front gate :S Blipping makes us conspicuous sometimes

I just liked the colors, in the end :)

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