All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Woo hoo - Ethan had a lie-in! Till 7.05am to be precise! Of course, hubbie and I woke up much earlier than that but after weeks of 5 something o'clock starts recently, it was great to see Ethan sleeping "in".

I was very organised this morning as Ethan and I were even out in the garden before breakfast hanging out the washing ... he was very helpful, passing me clothes pegs all the time!

Foreveryoung & Eden came round late morning and along with my hubbie, the 5 of us headed in to Edinburgh for a trip to the zoo. Considering what a warm day it was, it wasn't as busy as I expected. After a wander round to see lots of the animals, we had a picnic on the grass outside the pengiun enclosure (Ethans and my favourite bit of the zoo). He enjoyed watching the penguin parade again although I think he would have chased after him if he'd have been allowed. He also spent ages on the climbing frame and slide structure there. I couldn't believe he wasn't fazed by how many other older kids were charging up and down it too.

Back home for a dinner of pizza and salad, although Ethan didn't eat much.

Foreveryoung & Eden are staying the night with us tonight .... wonder whether Ethan or Eden will wake first tomorrow!

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