
By Sparky

Off to Japan

here's my (slightly embarrassed son just before he boarded the plane at Heathrow, heading for Japan for 17 days.
He couldn't make his mind up whether to take a wheely suitcase or a rucksack. He tried all the wheelies (which were big enough) and the handles were too low for him to wheel them comfortably. he packed the rucksack. Then, he had another idea, his wheely fencing bag!!! he has travelled abroad with that since he was about 14, so he knows its ok, last minute packing finally done at about 9pm.
When we arrived at the airport, he was worried that the bag would be over the 23kg weight restriction (we couldn't find the scales at home, I think I've packed them for the house move). As we walked to the check in desk, I suggested we have a bet on the weight, I said 17kg, he said 20kg. It was bang on 17kg!!! how's that for a good guess, he was amazed, until I told him I'd had the bag weighed while he was off at the toilet!!!
He has to give his speech again, this time competing against international students, with a bigger Japanese audience.
'Proud' doesn't touch it :)

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