For the family

By RonaMac

Starting the collection

We (husband of 40 years and me) are taking responsibility for redesigning a small garden for our daughter & son in law, whilst he is working away from home.

The brief is that it has to be low maintenance, attractive, colourful and most importantly insect friendly. This will not be an instant garden, courtesy of the nearest garden centre at considerable cost.

We (me really) are collecting seeds and taking cuttings from the plants that we have in our garden, to grow on and transplant into their garden. This will be a labour of love and the hard work starts tomorrow when we (not me, I do the collecting of debris etc and supervision at this stage) dig up all the existing plants (weeds in my book) not weeds says my biologist son in law, in order to start with a bare canvas.

It will be beautiful in the long term and worth waiting for.

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