The Middle Of Nowhere

This is part of the 'road' (and I use the term very loosely) to where my brother-in law is staying with some of his tribe for their holiday -- no water filled potholes on this bit......just big worn rocks.

I am glad to say that they were in this time and the horror of the 'road' was not endured for nothing.

My niece doesn't really know what she wants from a new camera so I did as I was asked by the father and confused the shit devil out of her with all sorts of technical stuff.
She tried using my SLR and my Lumix 4/3rds using various lenses...... and was still confused.

I took a load of shots of a thistle using various appertures, flash etc which I will show to show how you can change a subject.
Trying to explain depth of field was easier to use the term depth of focus and an illustration like this where she could see what I was photographing.

When looking around for subjects to try photographing we came across this which is the initials and the date of wedding of the occupants of the original house (which is now one of the outhouses.
It is remote nowadays - it must have been unbelievable cut off in 1737.

The camera club outing in the evening was to Doune Castle.
It looks good from a distance and probably inside, but it is not very photogenic when you get there being like a big cube on a big mound.
The most interesting shot I got was literaly through the keyhole.

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