Ding Dong .... Anyone Home

We got a call from SWMBO's brother this morning.
Nice to hear from him.
He is here on holiday for a couple of weeks.
He said he had an alterier motive for phoning ...... he want me to confuse his younger daughter by talking geek talk so she no longer wants him to buy her a 'real' camera.
He really doesn't know his daughter I feel.
So we went out in the afternoon and managed to find the farmhouse he has rented.
It is in the middle of nowhere........down tracks that resemble the Somme.
(I am sure my suspension and exhaust are still down there somewhere)
When we got there I thought "Well this is even more remote than where he stays normally"
Did I say he is a missionary in Africa?
He isn't really ..... he is a diplomat with the Americcan government. But he does work in Africa ( Yaoundé, Cameroon).
However - back to the tale.......................
There was no car.
I rang the bell (as shown)
Not surprisingly there was no answer.
Typical - invite us over..... and then go out.

We will sneak up on them tomorrow
And get our own back ........ we will take the Cygnet (he will love the bumps and potholes)

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