The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Butterfly 16: Large White

Not really a day for butterflies, but this one threw itself at me as I was returning from a walk by the River Don in the city. It landed by my feet and posed for a good few minutes. I didn't have my macro with me, but my trusty 70-300mm is so versatile!
I completed the 4th and final route in the pack I'm developing, so rewarded myself with a Sainsbury's meal deal and set off down to the river to enjoy it and see what birds were around. Lots of sand martins, a good sprinkling of grey wagtails, a few goldfinches, a couple of greenfinches and a grumpy heron - and my neighbour on a bike (not that he's a bird, you understand). Sadly no kingfishers today.
I've spent the evening writing up the walk, so now it's time for a refreshing beverage and a bit of TV.

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