Excited Smiles

20months 27days

Whilst Im not a fan of the day starting at 5.30, I'm definitely a fan of the night being 10+ continuous hours (for Katie!) This is rather a habit now, and has been probably nearly a month. So I'm pretty chuffed! Today was another of the 5.30am's though. She ate a massive breakfast - yogurts, fruit, porridge and then raisins!

We had a lovely time at toddlers, Katie was very snuggly though. She played lots with the playdoh, probably her favourite thing to do there. The group has borrowed some great toys from the toy library so there's some new things too that she liked - giant wooden threading beads that were fruit, big solid wooden cars, helicopter etc.

She was really tired after so almost straight away went up for a sleep. She woke up hungry again and ate a good lunch. We headed out to pick up a friend before we went to the garden centre. Katie very much enjoyed playing today - lots of time chasing her little friends, playing with the ball blower. She also really enjoyed the babyccino she had. We went to see the fish at the aquatic centre and she said to my friend "look at pretty fish" whilst asking to be picked up to the high tank.

Quick pit stop at tesco - this often costs me a french baguette as Katie starts asking for bread as soon as we go in! We've had a great day, but as I put her in the car she said "Katie our house" - ready to come home for tea, big cuddles and bath time!

(PS - this smile was because the neighbours cat had run into the courtyard and Katie was calling him!)

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