Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Going West

Left early with The Lurker to head towards Oban for a wee photo safari; a bit of a mixed bag, most stuff was a bit flat but we were out having a laugh. First up was some shots in Glen Ogle followed by a breakfast in the Real Food Cafe in Tyndrum, which is highly recommended BTW, the Stornaway black pudding was epic. Got Oban via a wander over the Connel bridge for some cool shots of the Falls of Lora and had lunch of a seafood cocktail on the water front. Got a goodly haul at the fishmongers (sea bass, a lobster, crab claws, scallops, mussels, kippers, prawn tails, oysters, hot smoked salmon and samphire) then wander back via Loch Creran. Just had a feast washed down with more pink champers and some chilled white. Going to be in a semi torpor for the rest of the evening.

This was looking west from somewhere near Benderloch; kept it flat in the colours we saw, probably looks it's best that way. Some things don't need much.

Looks better big.

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